Advertising rates to suit every budget: Prices start from as little as £25.00 per edition.
A graphic design service is available for a small fee should you want artwork created for you.
Publishing Rates:
Price | |
Full Page | £160.00 |
1/2 Page | £85.00 |
1/4 Page | £45.00 |
1/8 Page | £25.00 |
Page 3 | £180.00 |
Page 5 | £175.00 |
Page 7 | £170.00 |
Page 9 | £165.00 |
Inside Cover Pages | £180.00 |
Front Page | £315.00 |
Back Page | £255.00 |
Discounted Package Rates are available for a run of at least 4 Editions (not applicable on Premium Pages);
For a run of 4 a 10% Discount can be applied.
For a run of 8 a 15% Discount can be applied.
For a run of 12 a 20% Discount can be applied.
For Larger Packages, please contact us for more details.
Graphic Design Service Rates:
Price | |
All Advert Sizes* | From £5.00 |
* Including any of the premium pages
To ensure maximum results please provide the artwork as specified below.
Files should be saved as PDF files - hi resolution with fonts embedded or preferably converted to paths. If you have an advert saved as a different file click here to convert it to PDF format. All images should be at a resolution of 300dpi. Colour adverts must be in CMYK. If RGB images/colours are used then we will only be able to convert using the default settings on the plate-setter. It is preferable not to have spot colours in the supplied files, but it's not a problem, we can convert them as long as they are Pantone reference colours and not, for example, 'dark blue'. Files should be at correct dimensions as booked.